Laser Assisted Removal Irritation Fibroma
This is the case of a 52 year old woman who was referred by her dentist for removal of a frictional fibroma which caused aesthetic concern to the patient since it was clearly visible when she spoke or opened her mouth and a functional concern because it disturbed her eating.
Irritation Fibroma Etiology
Irritation fibroma also known as traumatic fibroma, fibrous nodule or focal fibrous hyperplasia is the most common soft tissue exophytic lesion occurring in the oral cavity. This is mainly caused by persistent irritation or trauma to the oral mucosa. A persistent irritation/trauma could be a foreign body irritation, a habit of lip and cheek biting and/or mouth trauma.
Irritation fibroma can occur at any age but more likely seen in older patients. this lesion typically manifest itself as a raised, well-delimited, smooth, firm nodule. It is similar in colour to the surrounding tissues, but may be lighter or more translucent. Irritation fibroma has low mitotic index and they usually do not exceed more then 3 cm in diameter. Nerves are not growing inside them. The recurrent is very low, providing the persistent trauma is eliminated. Irritation fibroma do no have malignant potential.
I choose to use a diode laser (980mm) due to hemostasis, bio-modulation, no damage to the surrounding tissues, fast healing and almost no post operative pain.
The removed fibrosa was sent to the laboratory for diagnosis.
After one week the patient shows complete healing and reported no pain during the healing period.
The biopsy diagnosis was fibrous hyperplasis consistent with irritation fibroma.
The pictures below show before, during and one week after pictures, whilst the video shows the full edited procedure to remove the fibroma.