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Recession Prevention By Frenectomy Using Laser Procedure
Some people may experience receding gums due to poor oral hygiene or other factors but some may receive gum recession just because of the location of their muscle attachments which will be presented in this article. Muscle attachments are often called frenal attachments. Several frenum are present in the mouth. The one that most often […]
Laser Assisted Removal Irritation Fibroma
This is the case of a 52 year old woman who was referred by her dentist for removal of a frictional fibroma which caused aesthetic concern to the patient since it was clearly visible when she spoke or opened her mouth and a functional concern because it disturbed her eating. Irritation Fibroma Etiology Irritation fibroma […]
Why you don’t need to extract that tooth.
A 40 year old patient came for a second opinion after receiving advice for a general dentist to remove tooth 37 due to bone loss.In the clinical examination tooth 37 had a very deep pocket (10 mm probing depth in the distal area) , mobility grade 2 and bleeding on probing.The periapical & bitewings X-Ray […]
Scarless Fast Healing Frenectomy with Laser.
A 14 year old patient was referred by her orthodontist before invisaline orthodontic treatment for labial frenectomy. In the current state the invasaline would not fit as the labial frenulum was in the way. Using a diode laser to remove the frenulum took 10 minutes, was heeled scar free in just two weeks & with […]
Solved In One Week With Laser! (Bleeding Sensitive Hyperplasia/Over Growth of Gingiva)
A 13 year old patient with bleeding sensitive hyperplasia/over growth of gingiva from 33 to 43. The patient was sent by her orthodontist after they tried for 9 months to reduce this overgrowth with hygienist treatment but without success. One week after laser treatment you can observe the now healthy gingiva. This treatment left the […]
Recession Coverage Tooth #31
A 30 year old male came into the clinic 3 years ago. Referred to me by his dentist to treat the recession in lower front tooth 31. He complained he can not brush because of sensitivity and pain and was concerned about loosing his tooth. This case is “Miller class 3” implying the results won’t […]